Cat No.: GB1110:
An index of places in alphabetical order. Each town and village in England in 1678 is listed along with information on the County in which it resides and its "Hundreds, Rapes or Wapentakes".
The "Hundred" was used for administrative, judicial, military and taxation units. It was basically a sub division of shires, each subdivision containing around a hundred families.
The Hundreds were further subdivided into ten or a dozen households, which possibly gave rise to the parish Unit. Within these subdivisions families were responsible for the welfare of one another.
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Alternatively, a Hundred could be one hundred acres of cultivated land, however it appears that the size of the areas varied considerably.
Wapentakes is the Northern word for Hundred and possibly derives from the Old Norse vapnatak meaning weapon taking. Rapes is again another regional word for a sub divided area such as a Hundred.
This book could identify the long since lost and forgotten place where your ancestors lived. If you have the name of a town but can't locate it, this book will help.