The Cameron Rolls, 1812 - 1899, (York Militia, Ontario, Canada) by: D. B.


Cat No.:   CAG047:

Content Description: This is a most unusual set of records having been kept by Captain Cameron, a company commander in the 3rd regiment of York Militia, of the men in his command. Records actually naming the “men” in this period are scarce, most of them only accounting for the “men” as numbers. These records appear to have originated after 1809 and consist of two separate “roll calls.” In addition there are other “rolls” of a detachment of volunteers for service to Amherstburg and another to the Head of the Lake. Then there are lists of the compliment in York Garrison on two occasions and of those granted leave of absence, as well as lists of deserters.

Gleaned from: Papers & Records Vol. I (1899), Ontario Historical Society, Published: 1899 (The complete source document is available as Catalogue Number CA0171-99)

by: D. B.

Size: (pages) 7, (download) 930 KB

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