Cat No.: CA0335: (See also product CA0335-DL for this "book" as a downloadable file and save the mailing cost.)
Written as one of a number of projects undertaken to mark the centenary of the establishment of this early Upper Canada township, the book is designed to capture the memories and experiences of the founders, while they remained available, and to record for us here in the future, the events and deeds which shaped and influenced the development of the Scarboro township, which we know better today as Scarborough, an eastern district of the great metropolis of Toronto.The book's chapters are each devoted to specific topics and concentrate on providing factual reports. Several of the chapters were actually authored by assistants to David Boyle, the author of record. Each of these assistants were themselves well qualified in both literary and history skills.
Frequently the authors of area histories of this sort search the archives of local newspapers for content and in this case it seems to have generated two most unusual chapters. One is Games and Sports, which records the participants, and winners, of many local sporting events. The other, Odds and Ends, appears to be a collection of brief news articles which caught the researcher's eye as recording the names of locals or giving the details of notable events. Probably unique records now.
Amongst the other topics, and hence chapter headings, to be found in the book are: The Pioneers, Domestic Life, Trades & Tradesmen, Churches & Ministers, Schools & Teachers, Doctors & Lawyers, Public Houses & Stores, Villages & Post Offices and Militia. From this list of topics one might conclude that the book would mention many of the individuals occupied in these pursuits and indeed such a speculation would be well rewarded. The Author, in his preface, makes clear his intention is to provide a record of the people and local events, rather than to once again reiterate the happenings of the history of Canada as a whole which appear in so many other history texts. Consequently the reader will find mention of many of Scarboro's prior inhabitants together with accounts of those events in their lives which contribute to the local history.
Following on from the main body of the book are a number of informative appendices including one giving the names of the township’s original land patentees and the dates on which they took up their grants.
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No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 978-1-897405-50-5 ;