Cat No.: CA0158:
This is a never before published compendium of the standard historical works recording the shipping activities of Yarmouth Nova Scotia in the time when it was recognized as a World Class seaport. We are bringing you this wonderful collection through a cooperative project with the Yarmouth County Museum and Archives, 22 Collins St., Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Their Archivist, Mr. J. Stuart McLean, had noted that many marine researchers wanted to use the same collection of books in their research, so when he contacted us with the idea of copying all the sources onto a single CD we were delighted to be able to bring it to you. In fact we've taken the opportunity to include not only the usual sources of information but also to add a number of very relevant extracts from two other well known histories of Yarmouth. Altogether this CD contains over 800 pages of facts, figures, stories and just plain history.
On this CD you will find complete copies of:
Record of the Shipping of Yarmouth N.S., by J. Murray Lawson (1761 - 1876)
Appendix to the Record of the Shipping of Yarmouth, by J. Murray Lawson (1876 - 1884)
Index to Yarmouth Shipping 1761 - 1902 by Yarmouth County Historical Society
List of Shipping owned in Yarmouth County 31 Dec. 1883, published by the Yarmouth Times Office
and numerous relevant extracts from;
Yarmouth Past and Present, by J. Murray Lawson published 1902 (CA0160 is the complete book on CD), and
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia by George S. Brown, published 1888 (CA0159 is the complete book on CD)
While the ships are the stars of this compilation, the people who owned and sailed them do not take a back seat by any means. And our additions to the materials also expand the field of interest to cover ancillary port activities such as shipbuilding, maintenance and insurance, including the people who owned and ran them. Nor should you think of this compilation as just a dry scholars resource. There are hundreds of reports of the disasters, and sometimes worse, which happened on these ships as they voyaged to every corner of the trading world. There is material here for several Hollywood blockbuster movies. Stories of unbelievable endurance, of unfeeling masters, of crews who decided to mutiny and of those who were snatched from the jaws of death. You could read this as a novel, but it's all true.
If you had ancestors who sailed out of Yarmouth you will want a copy of this CD. Even if you don't have an ancestor as an excuse, find one to buy a copy of this wonderful taste of the maritime life of the 18th and 19th century.
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Note that we have also published Yarmouth Past and Present (CA0160), and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia (CA0159) as complete books on CD.
To give you a feel for what is on this CD we have made a Sampler from it which is freely available to you on our Nova Scotia Downloads web page. You can also reach this Sampler by clicking on the following link Sampler. You can return to this page by closing the Sampler Page when you are ready to purchase.
Review all our Free Samplers by clicking on FREE DOWNLOADS.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: No; ISBN No.: 1-897338-50-3;