The Life and Work of the The Reverend Richard Bradford (1752 - 1817) (Family History) (by Download)
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Here is a great family history for anyone related to the Bradford family. The book is written as a record of the Rev. Richard Bradford (1752 - 1817) it also provides a very complete family tree descending through 3 generations. There is a wealth of information about Richard's life and times.
Probably his main claim to fame was his appointment as the first resident Protestant clergyman in the Ottawa Valley and much of the book is devoted to the time he spent in this office. After entering N. America with a stay in the Catskill's in New York State, he took up his position in Lower Canada which involved a great deal of traveling. Most of his ministry took place in and around Chatham (in the County of York) on the Ottawa River, to the West of Montreal. There is, however, a record of a period during which he ministered to the soldiers and residents of William Henry (Sorel), on the St. Lawrence between Quebec City and Montreal. There is a lot of history of the Rev. Richard's works in the area so that many of the births, marriages and deaths at which he officiated are also recorded. For example:
When he returned home Mr. Bradford copied the January, 1807, items into his new book. The first entry was the baptism of Daniel, son of John and Jane Macdonald of Chatham, on Saturday, January 3. The baby was born on October 1, 1806. In the Record, Mr. Bradford wrote that he was privately baptized, which in this case meant that he had been called to the home to baptize a baby that was ill. Two neighbours, Ann Stewart and Alexander Goudie, living on lots 7 and 5 in the first Concession of Col. Robertson's land, were the witnesses. Alexander Goudie, was a carpenter and lived on lot 5, where R. Robinson had lived in 1803.
If you are related to the Bradford family or had Protestant ancestors living along the banks of the Ottawa river this is the book you need for your research .
We are indebted to the author's family for their permission to republish this book and to friends of Archive CD Books Canada, for their help in bringing this book to production.
Index of names in the book:
Surnames of people in the Chatham Registers of the Rev. R. Bradford
Ackurt, Albright, Allen, Amy, Atkinson, Bailey, Baker, Bangs, Barber, Barnum, Barron, Bashford, Bates, Beach, Beain, Beers, Benedict, Benring, Biggelow, Bigrow, Bisset, Bixby, Blackman, Blanchard, Boldry, Bordeau, Bourn, Bradford, (Rev. R.) His name is on all but two entries in his Chatham Registers, Bradford; Sarah, Bradford; Richard.II, Bradford; George, Bradford; Charles, Bradford; Harriet, Bradford; Eliza, Bradford; Martha (George's wife), Brewer, Bristol, Brooks, Brown, Brown, Brush, Burch (Burtch), Burwash, Cahoon, Cameron, Campbell, Capron, Carkiner, Cass (Case), Cauley, Center, Chapman, Charlebois, Chase, Chepser, Church, Clark, Cobb, Cole, Comens, Cook, Cooper, Crozier, Crysler, Cushing, Daggett, Davis, Deforge, DeHertel, Delesdernier (DeLesDernier), Dewar, Dicey, Dockstader (Dockstater), Donnellan, Donnelly, Dore, Draper, Eastman, Ellis, Ely, Empy, Ezner, Fairbank, Ferrin, Fish, Fisher, Flint, Forbes, Fortune, Foucher, Fox, Fraser, Frost, Fuller, Gardner, Garlick, Gates, Glen, Goddard, Gonnee, Gordon, Gothier, Goudie, Grew, Griffin, Grout, Hagar (Hagor), Halcro, Hall, Hamblin, Hardie, Hariman, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harvey, Hastings, Hay (Hays), Hill, Hitchcock, Hooker, Horrigen, Hubbard, Hutchins, Hyde, Jackson, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johnson, Jones, Kell, Kellog (Kellogg), Keriker, Kettle, Kimble (Kimball), Kingsbury, Lacuijer, Langens, Lee, Leonard, LeRoy, Levitt, Lewis, Likey, Lincoln, Lindsey, Londeau, Long, Longmore, Longchu, Ludywick, Macdonald, MacKay, Marston, Marvin, Matthews, McArthur, McBride, Mclntyre, McLachlan (McLachlin), McMartin, McMillan, McNall, McPhee, Meacham, Mears, Merrill, Miller, Mitchell, Murray, Myers, Nawlly, Neil, Neuerts, Newton, Nichols, Noble, Noyes, O'Bryan, Ogden, Orton, Ostrom, Panet, Pangborn, Parcher, Perkins, Phelps, Pomeroy, Poole, Portcous, Pough, Pummervale, Purdy, Racey, Reid, Rhinebolt, Richardson, Robertson, Rogers, Sargent, Savage, Schagel, Schneider, Simpson, Sinclair, Skelton, Smith, Snyder, Somerville, Spenser, Starns, Stevens, Stewart, Stone, Story, Streeter, Sutherland, Sykes, Taslin, Tebar, Thistlewayte, Thompson, Tozer, Trurth, Tuttle, Tyler, Vickeray, Wade, Waddel, Waldron, Wales, Warren, Water, Wheeler, Whitcomb, Whitlock, Williston, Willman, Wilson, Winters, Wood, Woods, Wooster, Wyman, Yale
Names of people in Mr. Bradford's Register at Christ Church (William Henry (Sorel))
Adurt, Alexander, Allen, Arnold, Auberry (Aubrey), Bain, Baird, Baker, Bayley (Baly), Ball, Beaty, Benedict, Bernia, Bethune, Bingle, Birmingham, Black, Bolard, Bowen, Bowman, Boyack, Boyd, Boyle, Bracken, Bradford, (Rev. R.) on all pages , Bradford; Sarah & Charles, Braithwaite, Bramely, Brock, Brown, Brownall, Bulgar, Bull, Burhart, Burton, Cameron, Carter, Carry, Chambers, Chapman, Charter, Chase, Cheney, Chickley (Checkley), Chisholm, Cleghom, Cline, Cockling, Cole, Connaway, Corley, Cottrell, Cottereau, Coughlin, Dall, Daly, Dame, DeHesey, DeLair, Dewey, Dennis, Dinning, Dorge, Doty, Driver, Detenon, Dwyer, Elliott, Ewett, Ewing, Farnam, Ferns, Flaherty, Fleming, Forbes, Foreste, Francis, Fraser (Frazer), Frederick, Garrett, Gaynor, Gibbs, Gibson, Gillespie (Gillaspy), Grant, Graves, Greer, Grenier, Grynor, Henry, Heron, Hewson, Hogan, Holmes, Hoppers, Horn, Howe, Hudson, Hughes, Inwood, Jack, Jones, Kain, Kay, Keeling, Kejander, Kellogg, Kelmer (Kellermeyer) (sexton) signs X for his name 37 times, Kemble, Keough, Keppe (Keepp), Kittson, Kynaston, Labonte, Laiky, Lawert, Lebec (Sebec), LeFime, Leith, Leona, Lester, Levins, Lewtur, Linderbaker, Lindsey (Lincey), Low, Mabis, Macdonald, Maggan, Magraw, Mailleax, Makenzie, Maloney, Manion, Matheson, Maxwell, McCloskey, McCloud, McCoy, McKay, McMullan (McMillan), Mitchell, Moody, Moore, Morse, Morrison, Mosier, Munn, Murdoch, Myers, Nazare, Nelson, Newman, Newton, Paterson, Penderleath, Perm ore, Peterson, Pinkerton, Ploss, Pointer, Porter, Powell, Powers, Preston, Price, Puket, Querksoft, Quintal, Rankin, Rawlinson, Reed (Read), Roach, Robinson, Rondeau, Ross, Row, Rouse, Savage, Shaw, Shuter, Siebert, Siguttz, Simpson, Smith, Sobbay, Surcis, Sutherland, Sweeney, Tillson (Tilson), Traynor, Truesdell (Truesded), Tucker, Turner, Wagonfoal, Walker, Warburton, Waring, Watkins, Webster, Whitaker, White, Widock, Williams, Willment (Wilment), Wills, Wilson, Wilson, Wincklefos, Wishait, Zate.
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