Cat No.: AU6010:
(191 pages)
Year: (1899)
The Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand was established in New Zealand in 1875, and in 1891 they purchased the Tasmanian Steam Navigation Company, which for many years had carried trade between Tasmania and mainland Australia.
This 'Tourists' Guide to Tasmania' which was published in 1899 by the Union Steam Ship Co. of New Zealand, was as the title suggests, a guide to tourists visiting Tasmania.
It details places of interest in Hobart and Launceston such as halls, theatres, clubs, the tourist agency and more. This is followed by various excursions around Tasmania. The prices for travelling by steamer and train are given for each, together with details of the place to visit. There is a bibliography of publications that relate to Tasmania included which have been divided into various categories such as discovery and early voyages; historical and descriptive; parliamentary and official publications; almanacs &c; ethnology, natural history and geology; aborigines; zoology; botany and geology, and is a useful guide to publications with more information on each topic.
This is a useful book for finding out information on tourist destinations around Tasmania in 1899. Complete with a detailed map, numerous photographs, and many advertisements.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 9781921371868;