Cat No.: AU5103-1927:
No of pages in original: 590pp
Year published: (1927)
Example entries taken from the 16 March 1927 issue:
On the 11th March, 1927, at Gawler, on the body of MARY SARS CHRISTIE GROTH, aged 59 years, late wife of Jacob Henry Groth, farmer, of near Gawler. Verdict:- "The Mary Sars Christie Groth came to her death, at Gawler, on the 9th day of March, 1927, from injuries accidentally received through being knocked down by a motor car, driven by Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Baker, of Jacob Street, Gawler, on the same date".
On the 11th March, 1927, at Adelaide, on the body of ERIC STEPHEN LANNAM, aged 18 years, late of 51, Tarragon Street, Milne End, fitter's Laborer. Verdict:- "Eric Stephen Lannam, came to his death, at Adelaide, on the 7th day of March 1927, through injuries accidentally received by being crushed between a steel tank on which he was at the time working a wall on the premises of the South Australian Brewing Company, Limited, Hindley Street, Adelaide, on the same day".
This years issues feature:
• marine stores collectors' and dealers' licences
• list of medical officers appointed to attend destitute persons' in country districts
• and even a few photographs of those wanted.
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FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 9781921461743;