Cat No.: AU4103-1907:
No of pages in original: 501pp
Year published: (1907)
Example entry taken from the 25 May 1907 issue:
Persons Inquired For
Information is requested a the instance of H. Godfrey, Avoca street, Randwick, Sydney, as to the present whereabouts of Albert Travillon Abraham, otherwise known as Robert Cyril Travanion, who was last definitely heard of at Condoblin, New South Wales, and left there about the end of June or beginning of July, 1901, and late in that year wrote to a friend in Condoblin from Brisbane, but no trace of him can be found there. Mr. Gill, Director of Technical Art, Adelaide, South Australia, received a letter from Abraham, dated 4th October, 1898, from Condoblin, New South Wales, requesting some testimonials, enclosed with an application for an appointment at the School of Arts, might be returned to him, as he was applying for a similar position in New Zealand. Description:- Probably from 35 to 40 years of age, about 5 feet 7 inches high, slight build, florid complexion, dark-brown hair, dark moustache; an artist; musical; a native of Cornwall, England. May be heard of at Technical Colleges or Schools of Art, &c. Information to the Officer in Charge, Criminal Investigation Branch.-O. 1339. 18th May, 1907.
The 1907 issues include both the approvals and transfers of:
• auctioneers licences
• billiard licences
• hawkers licences
• packet licences
• poisons certificate licences
• registration of clubs licences
• tobacco licences
• victuallers licences
• wine-sellers licences and
• wholesale spirit dealers licences
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