
Roving Editors 1918

$20.50 $10.25

Cat No.:   AU0002:

No of pages in original: 302pp

Year published: (1919)

Author/Compiler: Sowden, W.J.

Here is a unique look at the the First World War through the eyes of a war correspondent. Well-known South Australian journalist, and editor of The Register newspaper, William J. Sowden was one of a delegation of twelve Australian journalists (eight from NSW and Victoria, and one from each of the other states) chosen to travel the world and report on the war, and war activities. Published in 1919, this book is William Sowden's report.

He left Adelaide on 22 June 1918 and spent six months, and 40,000 miles of 'hard travelling and reporting'. Large areas were traversed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, the United States, Canada, the Pacific Islands and France. The journeys were taken by almost every possible mode, subject to extreme weather at times. While managing to stay accident free, Sowden does write of some narrow escapes, as well as his ship being quarantined twice and other adventures.

Together with numerous photographs, of not only the action seen, but also those involved, this is a valuable record of World War One which will interest military historians and any who wish to know more about Australia's involvement in the war.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   9781921371684;