History, Gazetteer & Directory of the East and North Ridings of Yorkshire - 1840 - William White


Cat No.:   GB0212:

One of the very comprehensive White's directories. An immense amount of general information about the East & North Ridings and their history, geology, soils and agriculture. Plus of course, the excellent descriptions and history of each town and village, together with lists of their inhabitants with trades. Over 800 pages.

As with all of our CDs, this one contains very high quality scanned images of every page of the book, in PDF format for viewing using Adobe Acrobat Reader. The original book, not a transcript. Real primary information, that you can print, or copy and paste into your own family history files.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  ;

FastFind:  No;  ISBN No.:   unavailable;