Directory of the County of Hastings - 1889 (on CD)


Cat No.:   CA0367: (See also product CA0367-DL for this "book" as a downloadable file and save the mailing cost.)

Published by the Intelligence Printing and Publishing Co. of Belleville, the rest of the title page says this is:

“A Full and Complete List of Householders of the City of Belleville, of each Town, Township and Village in the County, and of the Township of Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County, a Classified List of Trades and Professions of Belleville, together with other Information, Local and Provincial, and Advertisements of the Principal Business Houses, embellished with Lithographic Maps of the County, Belleville, and the Principal Villages.” EXCEPT that there were no signs that any maps had ever “embellished” the book. Previous editions (years) HAD included a map(s) but NO library listing we could find indicated the presence of ANY MAPS in this edition! We are forced to conclude that when it came to printing and binding the maps were not available and so were never included - other than in the forgotten mention on the title page!

This directory provides most of the classes of information one could hope to find, including directories of householders arranged both; alphabetically by name, and geographically by place. The actual address of those located in rural areas is given by their lot number while those in larger towns is, more conventionally, given by street name and number.

The following is a listing of the places identified: Ameliasburg (Township); Bangor; Belleville (Alphabetical & Business); Bridgewater; Carlow; Cashel; Deseronto; Dungannon; Elzevir (Township); Faraday; Herschel; Hungerford (Township); Huntingdon (Township); Lake; Limerick; Madoc (Township); Madoc (Village); Marmora; Mayo; McClure.; Monteagle; Rawdon (Township); Sidney (Township); Stirling (Village); Thurlow (Township); Trenton (Town); Tudor; Tweed; Tyendinaga (Township); Wicklow; Wollaston.

The inclusion of the directory of Ameliasburgh township in this directory may appear out of place, it being in the neighbouring Prince Edward County. There was however, in the contemporary period of the directory, a good deal of trade between this area and the city of Belleville so it was a matter of practicality to include this area’s potential users & customers in the Hastings directory.

Hastings County was one of the areas which was surveyed and allocated to the settlement of Loyalists who were being expelled from the newly liberated United States after the so called “War of Independence” c1776. Many of the originally surveyed “8 townships” will be found here, many still bearing the early names (given by the settlers) in honour of the children of King George III of England, who gifted land to the “United Empire Loyalists” (and their children) in recognition of their loyalty and services, and in compensation for their confiscated holdings in the US. This gifting of land later extended to include US citizens who left the US as a result of the war of 1812.

In addition to the expected listings of householders, businesses, professions, services and other services and utilities, the directory has Gazetteer like entries for most locations and discussions of Flora, Mineral and Manufacturing resources. An excellent source for the practical information about Hastings County in the last decade of the 1800’s.

The electronic reproduction contains high quality reproductions of all of the (approximately) 335 printed pages in the book, which have also been processed and hand corrected to provide an accurate “index” of every word so that it may be computer searched and every occurrence of the “search term” listed. Search speed has been minimized by the application of our FastFind technology.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   978-1-927503-38-6 ;