Cat No.: AU2029:
No of pages in original: 260pp
Year published: (1848)
The New South Wales Government Gazette published lists of "persons [who] have demanded Leases of the
several Runs of Crown Land, particularised in connexion with their respective names." These lists have been extracted from the gazette and published here. They were published between May and October 1948. In addition there is a list of "Crown Lands Claims Approved within the Settled Districts"
Crown Land Lease Claims Beyond Settled Districts
Summary by District of with number of runs in each (covers NSW as it was in 1848, including what is now Victoria and Queensland)
Moreton Bay District - 29 runs
Clarence River District - 54 runs
Macleay River District - 32 runs
Darling Downs District - 49 runs
New England District - 123 runs
Port Phillip - Wimmera District - 64 runs
Port Phillip - Murray District - 124 runs
Gwyder District - 92 runs
Port Phillip - Gipps Land - 47 runs
Liverpool Plains - 166 runs
Bligh District - 132 runs
Wellington District - 112 runs
Lower Darling District - 11 runs
Lachlan District - 185 runs
Murrumbidgee District - 189 runs
Maneroo District - 147 runs
Port Phillip - Western Port District - 189 runs
TOTAL - 1745 runs
Details for each run includes
• name of claimant
• name of run
• estimated area
• estimated grazing capabilities
• detailed description of run - often mentioning names of adjoining runs (and people)
No. 10.
Anderson Colin Alexander.
Name of Run--Newstead.
Estimated Area-71,680 Acres.
Estimated Grazing Capabilities-15,000 Sheep.
This station is watered by two small creeks, Newstead Creek and Swanbrook, both running into the M'Intyre River; and bounded on the north and north-east by a range dividing the waters falling into Swanbrook from King's Plains (Mr. Vivers) and Waterloo (Mrs. M'Intyre); on the south by the M'Intyre River ; on the west and north-west by a marked boundary line running nearly north, north-east and south southwest, dividing this run from Glenmore (Messrs. Brown and Alcorn) and Inverell (Mr. Campbell) ; east and south-east by a range of mountains dividing the waters falling into Newstead Creek from those of Paradise Creek (Mr. Dangar.)
Also included is a
Table of Crown Lands Claims Approved within the Settled Districts
Argyle - 17 applicants
Bathurst - 49 applicants
Bligh - 15 applicants
Brisbane - 28 applicants
Camden - 6 applicants
Cook - 1 applicants
TOTAL - 116 applicants
Details given for each include
• name of applicant
• address of applicant
• lot number of land applied for
• parish of land applied for
• situation of land applied for (e.g. near Goulburn).
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