J.N. Brewer, The Beauties of England and Wales, or Original Delineations, Topographical, Historical and Descriptive, of each County. Vol. XII - Part II Oxfordshire and Rutlandshire, 1813
Cat No.: IE5116:
Part of a extensive rare multi-volume set, this publication, Vol XII part II covers Oxfordshire and Rutlandshire. The idea behind this set of publications was to visit every county in England and Wales and produce a volume comprising text and numerous engravings.
Published in 1813 this volume dedicates some 580 pages to Oxfordshire and another 160 to Rutlandshire. Describing the places, topography, agriculture, history and antiquities in great detail, coupled with the engravings, this is a wonderful source.
Charting the history of Oxfordshire from Roman times through to the early 1800s, particular attention is paid to the city of Oxford as well as its colleges, with thorough descriptions of the major buildings on campus. After the city of Oxford, the author , J.N. Brewer, moves on to the hundreds of the county. The information for Rutlandshire is similar to that provided for Oxfordshire.
For anyone interested in either Oxfordshire or Rutlandshire this is an extremely valuable and important publication.
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