Cat No.: GB0758:
Scans of an original document which shows details of rentals of property by people in the parish of Presteigne.
'A Rent Roll presented at the court leet and Veine of Frank pledge Held for the said manner, the 11th Day of may in ye year of Our Lord God One thousand Seaven hundred & five, by the Jury whose names are hereunto subscribed'.
The document goes on to list dozens and dozens of people, some of them are mentioned more than once for several different rentals of land and houses.
This fabulous and unique piece of history was found at a jumble sale and was purchased by a supporter of the project in order to preserve it. The document itself was written on the back of a large indenture which had been cut into several pieces and literally stitched together and rolled up. Velum was an expensive commodity and was seldom wasted!
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