Feudalism in Upper Canada, 1823 - 1843 (McNab Township, Renfrew Co.)


Cat No.:   CAG063:

Content Description: There are many stories of the dubious behavior of government appointed land agents during Upper Canada’s initial settlement and this paper traces what seems to be one of the worst. An impoverished Scottish chief duped the government into authorizing him to supervise the settlement of a township in the Ottawa valley, to be known as McNab Township. Instead, he proceeded to set himself up as the Chief of a feudal fiefdom with the settlers duped into the role of serfs.


Gleaned from: Papers & Records Vol. XII (1914), Ontario Historical Society, Published: 1914 (The complete source document is available as Catalogue Number CA0171-14)


by: Marjorie J. F. Fraser


Size: (pages) 14, (download) 1.6 MB

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