
John Mitchel, Jail Journal, 2nd ed., 1914

$30.90 $15.45

Cat No.:   IET0055:

Described as 'a classic of Irish revolutionary writing', John Mitchel's Jail Journal was first published in the New York Citizen, the journal established by Mitchel on his arrival in America, between 14th January and 19th August 1854. A subsequent edition of the Jail Journal was published in which Mitchel detailed his experiences in the United States between 1853 and 1866, the current CD-Rom publication contains both. Throughout, the Jail Journal is replete with Mitchel's acerbic wit and anecdote detailing his prison experiences, transportation for Treason Felony and later reminiscences on his erstwhile colleagues. This edition of the Jail Journal is a must for any reader interested in the personalities of the Young Ireland Movement and the 1848 Rising and its aftermath.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

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