The Canadian Voyageur - 1906, From: “Acadiensis” by: G. Waldo Browne


Cat No.:   CAG101:

A general “biography” of the Canadian Voyageur. Being a voyageur is actually a job but the life style and importance of these individuals in facilitating the exploration, transportation of goods, trading and general communications during the years when Canada was first being settled by non-indigenous peoples brings them a fame which almost isolates them to a separate race.

In truth they were a unique group of mixed ancestry who made a living plying the many Canadian rivers, living a life which we, today, would consider intolerably tough, but which they appeared to prefer to any other. 4 full page illustrations.

Gleaned from: Acadiensis - Jan. 1906, Vol. 6 No.1, Published: 1906

by: G. Waldo Browne

Size: (pages) 12, (download) 2.3MB

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