
W. Wilson, The Post-Chaise Companion, 1786

$30.90 $15.45

Cat No.:   IET0057:

The Post-Chaise Companion of Ireland was published by W. Wilson in 1786. Although a number of companions of this kind were published for Irish use before and after Wilson's edition, this represents one of the most complete guides of its type and all of which were to be relegated to history less than fifty years later with the advent of the railway. Prior to mechanisation, the post-chaise was the most familiar and widely used means of road transport. This commonly took the form of a closed-body travelling carriage, which together with a pair or four horses and postilion driver was hired from stage to stage. Containing more than five hundred pages, the Post-Chaise Companion has far more to offer than merely as a directory of distances and also describes gentlemen's seats, sites of antiquity, manufactures and the rural landscape through which the post-chaise roads pass. Post-dating Taylor & Skinner's Maps of the Roads of Ireland and pre-dating many less-adequate Irish travel companions and directories, the Post-Chaise Companion has much to recommend it. The current CD-Rom publication is fully searchable and is a good addition to any historical library.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  No;  ISBN No.:   unavailable;