Cat No.: IET0056:
Published in 1847, Robert Simpson's Annals of Derry is one of the most important books available for genealogists and historians, researching the social history of early modern Derry city. Presented in a typically chronological form, Simpson recounts the principal events and development within the city, between the early seventeenth century and the mid nineteenth century. The author goes into considerable detail to outline some of the more important aspects of the history of Derry, including outlining the initial attempts to develop the city, under James I, and the besieging of the city by Jacobite forces in 1689. Extensive information on the social and economic development of the city is also provided, including accounts of the churches, chapels and meeting houses, the development of social services, and the development of trade and industry. This edition is fully searchable allows users to quickly locate personal names, historical events, street names and specific areas of interest.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: No; ISBN No.: unavailable;