Cat No.: IE5118:
This is the first volume of the Yorkshire Archaelogocial and Topographical Association's Record Series Journal. Published in 1885 it comprises two series of records. Series one, spread over forty seven pages is a calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem for the County of York which at the time were held in the Public Record Office in London. This is a listing of some 2,300 names of feudal tenants in chiefs who died and following their death it was necessary to establish exactly what lands they held and who was to succeed them. This calendar is a very useful guide as to where exactly to find the full records, which are an extremely useful genealogical source.
The bulk of this publication is made up of an index to the wills of Yorkshire for the first half of the 17th Century. While the period covered is relatively short the numbers of wills is in excess of 4,000. The details provided include name of individual, occupation in many cases, place of residence, date of will and administrator. In many cases the administrator is a member of the family. So with at least two names per record there are over 8,000 names of interest here. The volume is completed with a 34 page name index.
This first volume of the Yorkshire Records Volume Series is an extremely useful resource for anyone researching family in Yorkshire in the first half of the 17th Century.
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