Post Office Aberdeen Directory, 1936-1937


Cat No.:   IE5036:

Printed by the Aberdeen University Press for the Post Office Office Aberdeen Ltd., the Post Office Aberdeen Directory was issued in 1937 and is republished here on fully-searchable CD-Rom.

Containing more than 900 printed pages the Aberdeen Directory is the complete postal and telephone directory for the city of Aberdeen and its suburbs. The first 150 pages of the directory are taken-up by a number of commercial and municipal directories, which provide details on all of the civic, public and private institutions in the city. This section of the Aberdeen Directory includes the Assurance Directory; Banking Directory; Ecclesiastical Directory; Educational Directory; Harbour and Shipping Directory; Legal Directory; Medical Directory; Municipal Directory; Miscellaneous Directory; Postal Directory; Public Revenue Directory; Railway & Public Conveyances Directory and Index to Advertisers.

The above named directories provide a plethora of information and detail. For example, the Municipal Directory, which details the wards of the City, the boundaries of each ward, the councillors elected for each ward and the number of electors present for each. This section also includes the names and addresses of the city magistrates, the officials of the town council, justices of the peace, libraries, the registration districts within the city. The Educational Directory is comprehensive. For the University of Aberdeen the Directory provides the names of all of the academic, from professors down to readers and lecturers. All the higher-level institutions present in the city provide the same level of detail. For primary and secondary schools, the directory provides the name and address for each school together with the names and qualifications of the head teachers.

The commercial and municipal section of the Aberdeen Directory is follows by the A-Z General Directory of the City of Aberdeen and District, which provides in just over 450 pages an alphabetical list of individuals, their named, addresses, trades and telephone numbers were relevant. There follows a 130-page A-Z trades directory. The A-Z Street Directory, together with the names of chief residents occupies, which occupies some 300 pages of the Aberdeen Directory. The Directory is concluded with three self-contained directories for Bucksburn and District, Lower Deeside and District and Aberdeen Suburban District.

For anyone interested in Aberdeen, its residents, businesses, civic and municipal institutions present in the City of Aberdeen in 1936-1937, this fully-searchable CD-Rom republication, will prove an invaluable resource. 

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  No;  ISBN No.:   unavailable;