Handran's Townlands in Poor Law Unions


Cat No.:   IE0022:

For any Irish historical or genealogical researcher, the importance of Townlands in Poor Law Unions is immeasurable, and is one of only a small handful of must-have reference sources.

Originally published in Ireland in pamphlet-form throughout 1885 by the General Register Office by Alexander Thom for Her Majesty's Stationary Office, it is unlikely that the source came into the public domain until it was fortunately collected and privately published by George B. Handran in 1997. Few of Handran's small print-run ended up in private hands and the publication can in the main only be consulted in research libraries and public institutions.

The CD-Rom version of George Handran's Townlands in Poor Law Unions has to grace the shelf of anyone seriously researching their Irish ancestors.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  No;  ISBN No.:   unavailable;