The Registers of St Thomas the Apostle, London 1558-1754


Cat No.:   GB8069:

Transcripts of the original registers. Baptisms and burials 1558-1754, marriages 1558-1672.

As with the registers of St Mary Aldermary, the incumbent of the church in 1733 conducted what is, in effect, a partial census of his parishioners, listing the name and occupation of the head of each household along with their religion and the number of people in his family (the names of his family are NOT recorded). Even empty houses are noted and between 'Robert Maiyo, barber, to church, family five' and John Breadcutt, fruiterer, to church, family six' we se 'There are in this place ten Houses empty, some repair'd, others pull'd down and rebuilt.'

As usual there is an excellent index, making it incredibly easy to find ancestors.

Kindly loaned to The Archive CD Books Project by The Harleian Society.

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