The Marriage and Burial Registers of St Paul's Church, Covent Garden 1653-1853


Cat No.:   GB8054b:

This CD contains:

Burials 1653-1853 (Harleian Soc. Vols. 36 & 37)

Marriages 1653-1837 (Harleian Soc. Vol. 35)

The complete set of registers of St Paul Covent Garden was published in five volumes by the Harleian Society. The Society kindly loaned us their whole collection for digitising but three of the five volumes for this church were in a very fragile state indeed. The paper was so brittle that it would crumble at the lightest touch and we decided that it would be best not to damage one of the only known surviving sets of these valuable books.

Recently we were advised that another complete set was available from a book dealer in the US for £250.00 so we quickly purchased them, hoping that they would be in reasonable condition...... and fortunately they were!

We have now scanned the final three volumes, which contain the burial and marriage transcriptions, and have made them available on CD for genealogists and family historians and it is our intention to offer the books to the Harleain Society as a gift so that they may preserve them for future generations.

Fully indexed and searchable.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  No;  ISBN No.:   unavailable;