The Registers of Christ Church, Newgate, Greyfriars - Baptisms, Marriages & Burials 1538-1753


Cat No.:   GB8033:

Transcripts from the original registers. Baptisms from 1538-1753, marriages from 1542-1753 and burials from 1540-1753

PLEASE NOTE. The years 1588 to September 1666 are missing. The registers were destroyed, along with the church itself, in the Great Fire of London.

The marriages section will be of special interest to genealogists as although the majority of marriages were between 'locals', many of the couples who married here were from other parts of the country. A random example;

1716, Feb 24, John Haynes of Spalding, Lincolnshire, & Elizabeth Went of Boston in the same county, by Mr Betts.

The burials section is an absolute goldmine as one can often glean some excellent information about the deceased, some examples are:

1565 Sep 26. Robart, son of Nycholas Sharpe.

1584 Dec 16 Nycholas Allen, carpenter, who fell off Mr Hunter's house.

1670 June 2 William Norris, a prisoner from Newgate (there are scores of prisoners burials listed as the church was close to the notorious Newgate Prison).

The book is incredibly well indexed so ancestors are very easy to find.

Kindly loaned to The Archive CD Books Project by The Harleian Society.

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