Kelly's Directory of Cheshire 1896


Cat No.:   GB1286:

A very comprehensive directory including, a street directory of Birkenhead and Chester. That means you can easily locate your ancestor, see where they lived, what their trade was and who else lived in the area. It's surprising how often you can find other relatives in the area! A highly valuable resource for Cheshire researchers.

This directory, kindly loaned to the project by Birkenhead Central Library, has been well thumbed over the years resulting in some pages being torn and some corners missing. The book has been carefully restored by the library and Archive CD Books is delighted to be able to produce this directory on CD to increase its accessibility to family historians and to ensure no further damage to the original need occur. The pages have been scanned with the utmost care so each one is readable. However occasionally some entries in the Birkenhead section are missing where the page has eroded slightly.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  ;

FastFind:  No;  ISBN No.:   unavailable;