
Circuit Journeys

$15.00 $7.50

Cat No.:   GB1243:

By the late Lord Cockburn

Places well indexed and fully searchable.

Lord Cockburn, a Criminal Judge, as part of his work, rode around Scotland in "circuits", he began to note down cases of particular interest in diary form and this forms the basis of the CD. As well as details of the cases it gives you a good insight into the habits and thoughts of Judges in the early 1800s.

"It was altogether a shocking case, but his Lordship found out and debated upon this peculiar atrocity, that the woman he had killed was not his wife, but only his mistress, because as he explained if she had been your wife there might have been some apology for you, on account of the difficulty of getting quit of a wife in any other way. But this unfortunate woman being only your associate, you might have freed yourself from her whenever you chose. How Brougham (the accused) revelled over this discovery, that it was a less crime to murder a wife than to murder a mistress!"

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

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