
A Topographical and Historical Description of the County of Buckingham. Circa 1804

$19.60 $9.80

Cat No.:   GB1132:

An account of Buckingham's towns, castles, churches, monuments, picturesque scenery and antiquities. This wonderful old book describes the history of Buckinghamshire and its people as far back as Roman times. It describes all the main towns individually and gives a glimpse of life in each. As well as lots of details about the way people lived, the customs and trades of the area.

Illustrated with nine engravings and a lovely pull out county map.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  ;

FastFind:  No;  ISBN No.:   unavailable;


Particularly well described is agricultural life, its difficulties and the "modern" ways of overcoming problems. For example the "Mill Churn" machine, worked by a horse, which took a great deal of hard labour out of churning milk. Some of the new machines were less welcome, the local women occupied in lace making, as most were, found their pay greatly reduced after the introduction of lace manufacturing machinery.