Cat No.: GB1099:
From the Preface :
"There can be no doubt that our interest in the dim past is increased the more we are able to read into the dry documents before us the human character of the actors. As long as these actors are only names to us we seem to be walking in a world of shadows, but when we realise them as beings like ourselves with the same feelings and aspirations, although governed by other conditions of life, all is changed and we take the keenest interest in attempting to understand circumstances so different from those under which we live. “
This book therefore is not intended as a history but as, to some extent, a guide to the manners of the people and to the appearance of the city during the Mediaeval period."
A good description of the book and its uses for genealogists and historians!
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Chapters include descriptions of London in Roman, Saxon, Norman, Mediaval times to the 1900's. The chapters discuss, Health, Disease and Sanitation, Chaucer and Poets of his time, Manners, Commerce and Trade, Goveners of the City, the Church and Education. The book is full of well illustrated maps and pictures.