Buchan's Complete Domestic Medicine 1849


Cat No.:   GB1090:

Lots of illustrations of the skeleton, muscles and body are included complete with labels. The book is a treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases by simple medicines. It examines the general causes of diseases and their links with children, clothing, food, exercise, unwholesome air, intemperance, anger, fear, grief and religious melancholy. It offers remedies to Fevers, Pleurisy, Consumption, Small Pox, Measles, Asthma as well as problems less well known to doctors today such as Swooning.

Interesting is Buchan's cure for Hiccups, he suggests that if they result from hard digestion the patient should take a dram of any spirituous liquor whilst if they are caused by poison, milk and oil must be drunk. However if it precedes an inflammation of the stomach, the patient should be bled!

A small sized book but with nearly 800 pages of the most up-to-date remedies known to doctors in the 1800's it's a big and interesting read. 

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