Chronicles of the Mayors & Sheriffs of London 1188-1274 & The French Chronicle of London 1259-1343, Henry Riley 1863
Cat No.: GB1029:
Two books in one.
The first, Chronicles of the Mayors & Sheriffs of London, was translated from the original Latin and Anglo-Norman of the 'Liber de Atiquitis Legibus', attributed to Arnald Fitz-Thedmar, Alderman of London in the reign of Henry III.
The second, The French Chronicle of London, is translated from the original Anglo-Norman of 'The Croniques de London'.
A very useful resource for medieval historians and genealogists.
Fully searchable in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: No; ISBN No.: unavailable;