Cat No.: GB0988:
By Philip Norman, 1905
"Until the beginning of the nineteenth century time had dealt kindly with our great Capital, at least from the point of view of a lover of the past. In the confines of the city there were still many houses of timbered or half timbered construction, which had evidently existed before the Great Fire, and the plain but well-proportioned buildings which came into being shortly after that catastrophe were so common that they hardly attracted notice".
The writer of this wonderful book (published in 1909) has, for many years, employed his time in examining those older portions of London which were, to a great extent "improved" away. He visited them again and again, making notes and sketching the old surviving buildings threatened with destruction. He hunted up old documents relating to them, and searched out anecdotes and stories relating to them and their inhabitants and visitors. It is these records, notes and pictures that form the content of this publication, which makes absolutely fascinating reading. The pictures alone are an absolute delight, for they are not of the major "tourist" buildings, but small lanes, yards and courts. Places where our ancestors lived.
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