Cat No.: GB0912:
Published in the 1920's in three large volumes with, literally, hundreds of superb photographs of all aspects of London life. Rich or poor, old or young, the slums and palaces, there are even some which are captioned 'a view of xxxx from an exciting new vantage point' (an aeroplane!!).
The text matches the quality of the images and is wonderfully evocative. It is quite sad to realise that very little of what we can see in this book remains standing today due to slum clearance, war-time bombing and the inexorable march of 'progress'.
Top quality grey-scale scans preserve the fine detail of the images. The set is issued on three CD's, one volume per CD, with the complete index on each.
No. of CDs is: 3 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: ;
FastFind: No; ISBN No.: unavailable;