Illustrated London News - July to December 1858


Cat No.:   GB0578:

About 15 pages are missing from this set (almost entirely from the beginning of the volume).

The Illustrated London News most probably the most interesting of the magazine newspapers published.

A weekly publication, it contains a superb collection of news and informative articles, and lots of excellent illustrations ranging from those depicting overseas events in all parts of the world, and those in England. Churches, people, wonderful early views of towns and villages, etc.

It provides an excellent source of reference material for historians and genealogists.

The weekly editions can occasionally be found, usually bound into volumes of all of the issues for a half year, and it is these collections which we have reproduced on CD so that you can view them easily using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  ;

FastFind:  No;  ISBN No.:   unavailable;