Cat No.: GB0462:
Published 1854 Neve/Hardy. Book lent to the project by Barney Tyrwhitt-Drake.
An Essay towards deducing a regular succession of all the principal dignitaries in each cathedral, collegiate church or chapel in those parts of Great Britain called England and Wales, from the first erection thereof to this present year MDCCXV; Containing the names, dates of consecration, admission preferment, removal or death of the Archbishops,
Bishops, Deans, Precentors, Treasurers, Chancellors, and Archdeacons in their several stations and degrees. To which is added the succession of the Prebendaries in each Prebendal Stall (of most of those erected at the Reformation, and) continued down to this time. As also, of the Heads or Masters of each College or Hall in either of our famous universities from their first settlement to this time. The Whole extracted from the several Registers of the respective Cathedral or Collegiate Churches or Foundations, as also from other authentic Records and valuable Collections never before published.
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