Cat No.: GB0241:
A lovely pocket reference book, in the old type style, including a description of England, places in the world, description of London & Westminster, companies in London, prices of the works of bricklayers, masons & carpenters, rates of post letters, stage coaches and carriers in England & Wales, Archbishops & Bishops, places at Court with salaries. Arithmetical and monetary tables. Coins of different countries. Accounts of arts and societies, Abstract of the history of England. Gardener's calendar. Perpetual Almanac. Lots of tables, including the value of any quantity of goods etc by the yard, ell, pound, ounce, etc. A table of universal use, demonstrated by the solution of various questions in multiplication, division, reduction, measuring, gauging and surveying. (Ready reckoners). Discounts of branches of customs on goods imported, Table of salaries and wages. Interest tables. Rules for coachmen, rates and orders for carmen and watermen.... and so on. Wonderful!
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