The National Roll of the Great War 1914-18 - Salford, Lancashire


Cat No.:   GB0182:

From the book introduction:


"When we quietly consider what the Great War, with its gains and losses, its cares and anxieties, has taught us, we are at once struck by the splendid heroism of all who took part in it. Many by reason of special qualities of mind or soul stand out more prominently than the rest; but the names and deeds of others, who toiled no less meritoriously, are often left unsung.


Yet it is well, if only for purely personal and family reasons, that there should be some abiding record of the self-sacrificing services of all men and women who answered their Country's call in her hour of need, and who, whether on land or sea, or in the air, in hospital, or camp, or workshop, were ready to lay down life itself, if need be, that Britain might live and Right prevail over Might.


It is for this reason primarily that the present "National Roll of the Great War" was projected. In these pages will be found records of devotion and patriotism of which the individual, the family, and the nation have every reason to be proud."


An excellent book with details of all of the people from Salford who served in the Great War. Not just soldiers, but also those with other occupations.

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