The Book of Nottingham 1926 and Lists of Nottingham Burgesses


Cat No.:   GB0164:

The Book of Nottingham 1926

This was scanned for the project from the original book by Stella Morley Newman of Nottingham. The book was produced in 1926 was a very limited edition for those attending the annual conference of the British Medical Association. It has many excellent photographs of Nottingham in the early 1920s, even some aerial photos. The book contains descriptions of the history of Nottingham, its development, people and industries.

Nottingham Burgess Enrollments

This was scanned from the relevant pages of two of the volumes of The Records of the Borough of Nottingham. (In total, there are nine large volumes in this series covering the period 1155 to 1900, and these are available as separate CDs from Archive CD Books.) Each year men were enrolled as burgesses of the town. Effectively, this gave them certain rights, including the right to vote. To qualify as a burgess, one had to be either, born in the town, served an apprenticeship there, or have a business there, although some burgesses were purchased. Therefore the burgess rolls list the name and occupation of each person enrolled in each year. The years covered are 1702-1703 and also 1760-1800 inclusive. This does not include just the "important" people in the town, but ordinary men such as the framework knitters, etc. This makes the information particularly useful for genealogists, as it is one of the very few ways of finding out the occupation of people before the details shown in the 1841 census.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  ;

FastFind:  No;  ISBN No.:   unavailable;