Cat No.: CAG042:
Content Description: The Rev. Robert McDowall was sent to the Bay of Quinte area as a Presbyterian missionary and soon settled in Fredericksburgh Township. There are about 500 baptisms transcribed in this list conducted in: Ernestown; Fredericksburgh; Kingston; Sophiasburg; Adolphostown; Richmond; Hallowell. The dates shown are extracted from the list and are supposed to be the range of birth dates of the children being baptized. The transcribers notes - and simple examination - give reason to suggest these dates be considered tentative.Gleaned from: Papers & Records Vol. I (1899), Ontario Historical Society, Published: 1899 (The complete source document is available as Catalogue Number CA0171-99)
by: Thomas W. (Willet) Casey
Size: (pages) 16, (download) 1.6 MB
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