Nova Scotia Relief Map & Directory - 1931 (on CD)


Cat No.:   CA0357: See also product CA0357-DL for this "book" as a downloadable file and save the mailing cost.)

This is a very useful book with a very misleading title. In fact it would be far better if the issuers had adopted the sub-title, “A Handy Book of Reliable Information” as their main title. However the primary purpose in publishing the book was for it to be a guide to an enormous, scale, Relief Map of Nova Scotia which was on exhibition directly across the road from the main Visitors Centre on the border of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia near Amherst, an area called Fort Lawrence, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia. The giant map no longer exists (although there are reports that it was still there in the 1980’s) but the guide to the map - and hence to the whole of Nova Scotia as it was in 1931 - survives here in our digital edition.

The first 100 or so pages in the book provide the visitor with all manner of useful, general information including - for instance - ferry time tables, areas of outstanding natural beauty, golf courses, fishing locations, local road use regulations, anything, in fact, that could be considered a pastime or of interest to a visitor.

The remaining 220 pages are mostly occupied by an alphabetical listing of places, small and large, providing directory like information about them, a listing of commercial establishments - including Hotels, Restaurants, Inns, Garages etc. and - for many - a local street map keyed with the locations of the listed commercial establishments.

We tend not to notice the continuous stream of changes which are reshaping the places where we live but trying to find an address from 80 years ago can often be surprisingly difficult and, of course, in the same time many businesses have changed name, changed location or have simply ceased to exist. Consequently this apparently out-of-date visitor guide will be invaluable to anyone trying to understand where their ancestors lived in the early 1930’s.

There is no clear statement as to the actual originator of this book although there are plenty of hints that it was issued by the Nova Scotia Department of Highways as part of the Provinces efforts to establish a tourist industry. There are also hints, however that the Actual Relief Map and authorship of the book are due to the employees of a company, the Nova Scotia Relief Map and Directory Ltd. Research indicates this was a dynamic time in the organization of Tourist Development in Nova Scotia and this lack of clarity may indicate that change was taking place during the time the book was being prepared. Therefor no specific author is credited. The book consists of something in excess of the 320 numbered pages and is amply illustrated with pictures of people, buildings and the scenery of Nova Scotia. This digital edition is fully computer searchable although once you are familiar with the book’s layout it should be fairly straightforward to find needed information. A wonderful resource for the Nova Scotia researcher.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   978-1-897405-80-2 ;