1837 Rebellion Losses (Quebec, Canada): Claimants for Damages, 1849


Cat No.:   CA0297:

Here is a very rare and useful piece of data. As a by-product of the 1837 Rebellion (or Troubles - depending on your point of view) a number of early Canadians made claims for compensation for losses of property, business and in some cases physical capabilities (i.e., personal injuries.) These claims were made against the administration of Canada and as Canada was still a Crown Colony they ended up in front of the British House of Commons for consideration. This document then is an, …Appendix to the First Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Losses occasioned by the Troubles in Canada … and Ordered … to be printed 6 June 1849. It consists of 42 close printed pages.


Obviously the only claims being considered were those made by supporters of the administrations side of the rebellion so almost all of the 2176 claimants are residents of Lower Canada (Quebec.) The appendix is formatted as a list giving the claimants name and place of residence, the details of the claim as presented to a former and the present commission, the date of the injury and, in some cases, remarks concerning the claim.


Fully computer searchable and enhanced with FastFind technology, the researcher will be able to find out if their subject was a victim of The Troubles and if so what value of losses they sustained and in some cases, even the details of the loss.


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FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   978-1-897405-27-7 ;