Cat No.: CA0241:
by Canadian Publicity Co., published, 1922.
This description is opened with an edited quote from the book’s Preface:
“ ‘PROMINENT PEOPLE’ is designed by the publishers to provide a record of the men and women who, in one capacity or another, are contributing to and making possible the growth and development of the Maritime Provinces.…
Public memories, sometimes, are short-lived, and history records only the names of those who stand out most prominently in the great events of the times. The aim of "Prominent People" is to create a lasting memorial not only for the great men, but also for those lesser personages in all walks of life who, by their toil and sacrifices, are laboring for the advancement of the Maritime Provinces, and are the real moulders of their destinies.…
This book is not designed as a work of praise, but of facts. One's education, professional or business training and experiences and status in the community are facts which no man or woman should hesitate to see in print, and which the public have a right to know.
The book will have a value for the historian quite beyond its use as a current work of reference. It is hoped it will do its part in making all the sons and daughters of these three Provinces better known to each other, and will give a bird's-eye view of their usefulness and contribution to the confederated Provinces of the Dominion.”
The book is laid out in a style reminiscent of a newspaper, that is in two columns per page. The subject’s name begins the article about them, with the Family name first, given names next, and degrees and honors last.
The individual articles are arranged in alphabetical order of the subject’s family name - eliminating the need for an overall Index.
Each subject’s article varies in length a great deal, from a couple of lines to about 2 pages (4 columns), according to a random sampling of 100 subjects. This sampling also revealed that the book probably contained more than 1,000 descriptions / biographies of individual subjects. The subjects reside all over the World, their commonality being through their involvement with Canada’s Atlantic Provinces.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 978-1-927503-37-9 ;