The Gilbert Family History, Ancestry of Nancy Treadway - Vol 1 & Melvin Moffatt - Vol 2


Cat No.:   CA0238-A:

This is a family history compiled and edited by Geoffrey Gilbert, and privately published by him in the 1950's.

This CD contains:

Vol 1: Nancy Treadway (1776-1865), of Colchester, Conn. and Mendota, Ill., mother of Nancy Maria Moffatt

Vol 2: Melvin Moffatt(1774-1857), of Adams, Mass., and Mendota, Ill., father of Nancy Maria Moffatt

See CA0238-S for a complete description of the Gilbert Family History.

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No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  YES;  ISBN No.:   1-897338-94-5;