History of Toronto and County of York, Ontario, Illustrated (2 Vol.) - 1885 (by Download)


Cat No.:   CA0213-DL: File Size 115.3 MB:

This is a two volume book containing over 1200 pages in total, published in 1885. The volumes, in order, contain historical information about the county and biographical information about its early inhabitants. The history has been written by a number of authors selected for their particular knowledge so that this book contains a depth of knowledge far greater than could be expected from only one person. The biographies appear to have been submitted for publication by the subjects or by a sponsor wishing to make sure the subject would be remembered. They range in length and detail from a few lines of concentrated factual information to at least one account of the subjects life running to several pages. The book provides no index or listing of the biographies but it is estimated that it contains over 1500 individual biographies.

Dr. Mulvany has written the initial chapters of the first volume, giving a concise history of the discovery and development of Canada so, as it were, to set the scene for the succeeding history of the discovery, settlement and development of York County. Following this each of the significant individual settlements / villages is discussed giving such facts as are available on its origins, its development and the people who were significant in that development. Of course this whole volume is dominated by the parallel story of Toronto, Canada's largest city and capital of Upper Canada since 1793, as it intrudes on, and flavors, the progress of every other part of the county. About 40% of this first volume is given over specifically to the story of Toronto.

In addition to the written information the book also contains numerous scenic illustrations and portraits as well an 18 by 23 fold out map of the county of York, presumably contemporary with the book's publication in 1885. It is a detailed map, apparently hand drawn, showing not only the topography and main population centers but also the made up roads, the allocation of settlement lots in the various townships and the location of post offices, school houses and churches including an indication of the denomination.

The whole book is computer searchable. A wonderful history of what may now be Canada's most populous area written at a time when the people who had first hand experience of the history were still available to be interviewed and to tell their stories.

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