Papers & Records Vol. XXVII (1931), Ontario Historical Society


Cat No.:   CA0171-31:

This is a complete reproduction of the 27th volume of papers published by the Ontario Historical Society in 1931. These publications are generally a gold mine of valuable genealogy and history information but it can be difficult to recognize the value of the individual papers because they are “hidden” within the overall “Papers and Records” title of the collection. For this reason, and to allow you to select only the chapters you are interested, in we also published a selection of the individual papers as “Gleanings,” under their more descriptive individual titles.

The following is a full list of the Contents listing of this volume. For further descriptions of those papers noted as being published as Gleanings we suggest you consult our Catalogue’s Gleanings descriptions. Brief descriptions of the remaining papers follows the table.

CONTENTS. (Arranged alphabetically, by authors' names. )

I. The Quinté Loyalists of 1784.

by Dr. P. H. Bryce (1853-1932); 11p; CAG105

II. Rev. William Jenkins of Richmond Hill and His Records.

by A. J. Clark (1828?-1934?); 63p; CAG106

III. The Register of St. Paul's Church at Fort Erie.

by Brig.-General E. A. Cruikshank, (1853-1939); 116p; CAG107

IV. The King's Royal Regiment of New York.

by Brig.-General E. A. Cruikshank, (1853-1939); 131p; CAG108

V. Bay of Quinté Landmarks.

by Allan Ross Davis (1856 - ?); 12p; CAG109

VI. Crime and Punishment In Early Upper Canada.

by John K. Elliott,(no dates); 6p; no gleaning

VII. Pioneer Drinking Habits and the Rise of the Temperance Agitation in Upper Canada Prior to 1840.

by Rev. M. A. Garland (1899-1976), and J. J. Talman (1894-1993) ; 24p; no gleaning

VIII. Upper Canada's Black Defenders.

by Ernest Green, (1881-1947); 28p; CAG110

IX. Notes on the Empey (Impey) Family of Stormont.

by Ernest Green, (1881-1947); 11p; CAG111

X. Journalism in Belleville.

by J. Owen Herity (

XI. The Bytown Gazette, A Pioneer Newspaper.

by Hamnett P. Hill (1876-1942); 18p; CAG113

XII. Literary Workers in Belleville Two Generations Ago.

by A. F. Hunter (1863-1940); 4p; CAG114

XIII. Rebellion Losses in London District in 1845.

by Fred Landon (1880-1969); 7p; no gleaning

XIV. The Proudfoot (1788-1851) Papers.

Introduction and Notes by Rev. M. A. Garland (1899-1976); 62p; CAG115

XV. Surveyor Charles Rankin's Exploration for the Pioneer Road, Garafraxa to Owen Sound, 1837.

With Notes by Prof. E. W. Banting (1880-1955) and A. F. Hunter (1863-1940); 14; CAG116

XVI. Method of Abolition of Slavery in England, Scotland and Upper Canada Compared.

by William Renwick Riddell (1852-1945); 3p; CAG117

XVII. First Legal Execution For Crime in Upper Canada.

by William Renwick Riddell (1852-1945); 3p; CAG118

XVIII. The Story of An Old Statute.

by William Renwick Riddell (1852-1945); 3p; no gleaning

XIX. A Tragedy of the Back-Country of Ontario.

by William Renwick Riddell (1852-1945); 3p; no gleaning

XX. The "Shivaree" and the Original.

by William Renwick Riddell (1852-1945); 2p; CAG119

XXI. Dr. Edward Jenner and the Canadian Pirate.

by William Renwick Riddell (1852-1945); 4p; CAG120

XXII. Echo in Canada of the Imprisonment by the Assembly of Pennsylvania of Provost the Reverend William Smith in 1758.

by William Renwick Riddell (1852-1945); 5p; no gleaning

XXIII The First Canadian Bishop and the Trade in Liquor with the Indians.

by William Renwick Riddell (1852-1945); 6p; CAG121

XXIV. The Treaty Made with the Indians at Kingston, May 31, 1819, for the Surrender of Lands.

by R. W. Shaw (no dates); 3p; CAG122

XXV. James White (1863-1928): A Biographical Sketch.

by Hugh S. Spence. (1885-1979); 2p; no gleaning

XXVI. Agricultural Societies of Upper Canada.

by James J. Talman (1904-1993); 8p; no gleaning

XXVII. The Bethunes.

by Professor A. H. Young. (1863-1935); 23p; CAG123

XXVIII. Sir William Johnson, Bt., 1715-1774.

by Professor A. H. Young. (1863-1935) ; 8p; CAG124

XXIX. "Bishop" Peters.

Professor A. H. Young. (1863-1935); 41p; no gleaning

Of the 29 published Papers only 20 have been extracted as Gleanings and so are described under their separate titles. Of the remaining papers numbers; VI, VII, XIII, XXV, XXVI, & XXVIII have self-explanatory titles.:

- VII, identifies how English law came to be adopted as prevailing in Upper Canada.

- XIX, A trial lawyers account of the trial of an Indian man suspected of shooting a settler with his own gun because he was in a relationship with the mans wife. After the trial he learns that damming evidence of the indian’s guilt had been given by his brother who seemed to disapprove of the relationship with the woman.

- XXIX, concerns the Rev. Samuel Peters, a loyalist Episcopalian clergyman born and working in Hebron, Connecticut, (USA) who was angling (unsuccessfully) for a promotion to Bishop when removing himself from US jurisdiction to take up residence in Canadian territory. Also includes transcriptions of a quantity of his correspondence, personal, regarding parish work, and supporting his bid for promotion to Bishop.

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