Toronto's 100 Years - 1934 (Official memento of Toronto’s centenary of Incorporation)


Cat No.:   CA0132:

This book was produced under the authority of the City of Toronto as an accompaniment and memento of the celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of the city's incorporation in 1834. It provides an excellent history of the settlement from its first incarnation as a fortified trading post under French protection through the establishment of Muddy York town and the subsequent transition to Toronto. The history of York begins with Colonel Simcoe setting up his two room tent and progresses through to the modern city of 1934. All aspects of the city's life are reviewed and many interesting and some surprising facts are revealed.

The book is copiously and beautifully illustrated by woodcut engravings, many of which bear the unmistakable signature of the Art Deco style of the day. As well as fulfilling its original intent the book is a fascinating insight into the life of the city of one to two generations ago. This would obviously be a useful book for anyone researching ancestors who lived in Toronto, giving them a context to their lives. I, as an occasional visitor to the city and having no ancestral connections, found it equally fascinating for giving a special insight into the background of what can be a rather impersonal and formidable place.

Of the book's 224 pages some 160 provide the historical text and illustrations. The remainder provide advertising by many of the 1934 city's major businesses and corporations. These advertisements are an education in their own right and I was surprised to see some very familiar names which I had not realized had been so long established.

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FastFind:  No;  ISBN No.:   1-897338-45-7;