Trinity College School Old Boys at War, 1899-1902, 1914-1918, 1939-1945 Pub. 1948 (by Download)


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This is a rare book, being limited in its original distribution to the men and families of the College’s Old Boys and staff. It was published in June 1948 by the Old Boys‘ Association, Trinity College School, Port Hope, Ontario [Canada]. The following is taken from the book’s introductory pages:

“This is the story of T. C. S. boys at war, and more particularly of those who served in the Second World War of 1939-1945.

Trinity College School is of no great age; it marked its seventy-fifth birthday on May 1st, 1940, when a memorable celebration was held at Port Hope. Yet three times its boys have heard the call to war, and three times they have responded in full measure. A number of those who served in the First World War or in the Second World War were only fourteen years of age when war broke out; many of those on active service in the Second World War had already seen service in the First World War. Over a third of all the boys who have entered the School in eighty-three years have enlisted in time of war.

T. C. S. people have often regretted the absence of any complete record of the part played by Old Boys in the South African War and the First World War. A paper-covered booklet was issued in 1919 but the information was far from complete. Only the summaries of such service can now be given, but it will be noticed how the wholehearted and full response of 1914-1918 was reflected in 1939-1945. Those killed in action were most happily much fewer in number in the Second World War, owing, of course, to the different character of the fighting.

In the brief stories about T. C. S. Old Boys in the Second World War there are bound to be many omissions. Despite our every effort to obtain all the important details, it has been found impossible in many cases to give more than the naked outline of the service rendered.

The record speaks for itself. No verbal embellishment can add to this story of simple gallantry and service by a comparatively small group of men who had attended the same School. But we who knew them well can never forget them and their bravery in defense of the ideals of democracy.”

The book goes on to say that a total of 855 old boys and masters had enlisted to serve in the three wars. The book opens with a Roll of Honor for those who “fell” in all three wars. As the book is, mainly, a tribute to those who served in the 2nd World War, the listings of those who served in the South African and First World War (The Great War) is limited to their name and brief service details. The listings for the ‘39 - ’45 war is divided into two parts; a Roll of Honor and an Active Service list. The Roll of Honor provides at least one page per listing, including a picture. The entries in the Active Service listing are very variable in scope and can provide both a picture and a comprehensive service record or, in a few entries, just a name and a minimal service record. All listings give the years of attendance at the College.

A previous owner of this copy of the book [a brother of one who gave his life in the Great War] inserted an addendum consisting of printed entries to be added to specified pages. Some of these obscured the original printing while others were outside the print block of the page revised. We have marked these revisions by placing a “shadowed” border around them and where necessary have placed them on an additional page so the original can be read in its entirety. They can also be recognized by the instruction, “Page XXX Cut out and paste in.” at their head.

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