Van Diemens Land Records: Exiled Three Times Over & Land Musters, Stock Returns and Lists 1803-1822 - I. Schaffer


Cat No.:   AU6020:

Two important Tasmanian record books by Irene Schaffer now on a single CD. Here you will find biographical information, copies of official government records, lists, facts and statistics, information on population, transportation, exiles, institutions, stocks, health and government.

'Land Musters, Stock Returns and Lists' will appeal to students of history, genealogists and everyone seeking a realistic glimpse of Tasmania's early days as the convict colony of Van Diemen's Land.

The story of 'Exiled Three Times Over' has been extensively researched and uncovers many fascinating and hitherto unpublished accounts of hardship and survival, written in a lively and readable manner.

These books are also available on CD individually. For more information on these two books see AU6018 and AU6019.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original books. This CD can be viewed by any computer using Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 4 or later recommended). The data on this CD is completely self-contained, and requires no installation.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   9781921081941;