South Australian Police Gazette 1935


Cat No.:   AU5103-1935:

No of pages in original: 597pp

Year published: (1935)


Police Gazettes are a unique, useful and extremely fascinating resource for family, local and social historians as well as researchers in other fields throughout Australia. Compiled to be distributed amongst the police force only, these Gazettes therefore contain details and information that can not be found anywhere else.

A goldmine of information for any historian, the Police Gazettes contain a wide range of information such as lists of warrants issued, details of those arrested and discharged (which include physical descriptions of the offender), escaped prisoners (also with descriptions), details of those deserting their wives and families, missing friends, deserters from H.M. Service, lists of cars and motorbikes stolen. You will also find details on murders, robberies, arson, assault, housebreak-ins and more. Notices from Police Gazettes from other states are also often included.

Example entry taken from the 23 October 1935 issue:

Apprehensions During the Week

Denis McCarthy, alias Dennis McCarthy (57), by M.C.'s Stewart (S.J.) and Flint, for obscene language at Port Lincoln; two months. Further sentenced to 14 days on a charge of drunkenness. Tried at Port Lincoln on 16/10.35.-(C.8157)

Stanley Roy McDonald (21), on complaint, charged with a breach of the Bills of Sale Act, section 37, at the hundred of Bucklebook; fined £15 and costs £10 14s. 6d., in default three months. Evidence obtained by M.C. Cutting. Tried at Kimba on 2/10.35.-(C.8090)

A unique feature of this year’s issues is that it includes a listing of Marine Store Collectors' Licences, as well as Hawkers' Licences, the renewal of Pistol Licences and Wool Dealers Licences that have been issued throughout the year.

The Police Gazettes makes for fascinating reading and learning about the social history of the time, even if you don't have family there.

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FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   9781921494253;