South Australian Police Gazette 1926


Cat No.:   AU5103-1926:

No of pages in original: 528pp

Year published: (1926)


Example entries taken from the 13 January 1926 issue [note: only a few entries have been extracted as samples]:


Apprehensions During the Week

 ARTHUR JESSOP, by M.C. White (W.T.), for a breach of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1921, section 26, at Port MacDonnell; fined £10 and costs 10s. Further charged with assaulting police (M.C. White); fined £5 and costs 10s. (amounts paid).

 WILLIAM JOHN KEAL, on complaint, charged with a breach of the Bush Fires Act, 1913, section 15, at Angaston; fined £2 and costs £1. Evidence obtained by M.C. Sheridan.

 GEORGE THOMAS (otherwise DUCKA THOMAS), on complaint, charged with the unlawful possession of a quantity of jam, pepper, sauces &c. at Port Adelaide; fined £3 and costs £1 (amounts paid). Evidence obtained by F.C.'s Furber and Rawlings.

 ALEXANDER ARTHUR DOW, by F.C. Winch (H.W.), for attempting to commit suicide, at Kent Town; bound over to keep the peace for 12 months.

 JAMES FRANCIS BALL and HARRY MORISON HILLYARD, by Det. Harris and P.C.C. Shanks, for shopbreaking and larceny on Michael Speck, at Port Pirie; both committed for trial.

 ETHEL RADFORD (alias ETHEL ANNIE RADFORD), by P.C.C.'s Stephens and Knowles, as a rogue and vagabond, at Adelaide; two months.

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